Educational psychology is that branch of psychology which deals with the application of psychological findings in the field of education. In other words it deals with the human behaviour in educational situations. It is the systematic study of the development of the individual in the educational settings.
Educational Psychology Pdf Notes
So educational psychology aims at studying the peculiar problems and situations arising in educational situations. It helps a teacher to understand his pupils and make educative efforts for solving different educational problems.
Educational psychology is a science in the sense that it uses all the methods of science for data collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Educational psychology aims at understanding, predicting and controlling human behaviour in a systematic way. As it employs all the methods of science, it is called as a positive science.
The scope of educational psychology is very wide. Its influence is clearly felt on education. Educational psychology is deeply concerned with the determination of principles of mental development, general nature of learning, individual and social adjustment of man, method of guidance, measurement, psychological theory of teaching, mental ability, individual differences and solutions of problems of education.
Lindgren points out that educational psychology covers three main factors like the learner, the learning process and the learning situation. The teacher has to be familiar with all these three factors.
It also tells the various processes of learning, factors affecting learning, methods of effective learning, forms of learning, laws, theories and principles of leaning, techniques of motivation, transfer of learning etc. It is needless to remarks that the teacher cannot do without the study of psychology.
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The main purpose of the Journal of Educational Psychology is to publish original, primary psychological research pertaining to education across all ages and educational levels. A secondary purpose of the Journal is the occasional publication of exceptionally important meta-analysis articles that are pertinent to educational psychology. Please note, the Journal does not typically publish reliability and validity studies of specific tests or assessment instruments.
Adequate description of participants and measures are critical to the science and practice of educational psychology; this allows readers to assess the results, determine generalizability of findings, and make comparisons in replications, extensions, literature reviews, or secondary data analyses. Authors should see guidelines for participants and measures (including reliability and validity evidence) in the Publication Manual.
The word "psychology" was formed from two Greek words. The first, psyche, originally meant"breath" but later acquired the additional meaning "soul", because breathing was thought toindicate that the soul had not yet left the body, and later still (during the seventeenthcentury) broadened further in meaning to include "mind". The second Greek word, logos,originally meant "word" and later expanded in meaning to include "discourse" and eventually"science". According to its Greek roots, therefore, psychology is literally the science of themind.
Educational psychology involves the study of how people learn, including teaching methods,instructional processes, and individual differences in learning. The goal is to understand howpeople learn and retain new information.
This branch of psychology involves not just the learning process of early childhood andadolescence but includes the social, emotional, and cognitive processes that are involved inlearning throughout the entire lifespan.
Importance of Educational Psychology in EducationFollowing are the points which show the importance of education psychology in education. Italso shows how educational psychology and education have importance for one another.
4. Curriculum DevelopmentEducational psychology helps curriculum developers that what kind of curriculum should bemade and what kinds of content be given to teachers to transfer to the next generation.
Different types of techniques are used by researchers to collect data and conduct researchstudies. With the increasing use of educational technology in education, psychology and othersocial sciences, new research strategies are evolved.Following are the important methods and techniques of collecting data are:
Historically introspection is the oldest method of all, which was formerly used in philosophy,and then in psychology to collect data about the conscious experience of the subject.Introspection means to see with in one self or self observation.Merits:
With the development of psychology as an objective science of behaviour, the method ofintrospection was replaced by careful observation of human and animal behaviour. Observationliterally means looking outside oneself. It is a very important method for collecting data inalmost all type of research studies. Different type of Observation used in research, direct orindirect, scheduled or unscheduled, natural or artificial, participant and non-participant. Butthere are two basic types of observation. They are;
Case study is in-depth study of the subject. It is the in-depth analysis of a person, group, orphenomenon. A variety of techniques are employed including personalinterviews, psychometric tests, direct observation, and archival records. Case studies are mostoften used in psychology in clinical research to describe the rare events and conditions of thesubject; case study is specially used in education psychology. It deals in education the followingproblems;
Differential method is used to study individual differences among the all person. Studies in thefield of educational psychology make extensive use of the statistical survey which is based onthe sampling by direct observation. This method makes use of various techniques of collectingdata such as tests, questionnaire, observation, interview and use of statistics in analyzing thedata.Advantages of Surveys
Openness , or how open-minded you are and how much you like to try new things. Conscientiousness , or how reliable, organized and diligent you are. Extraversion (this is spelled with an "a" in personality psychology), or whether you draw energy from interaction with others. People who score low on extraversion (introverts) gain energy from inside themselves. Extraverts gain energy from people. They tend to be assertive and have the gift of the gab. Agreeableness , or how friendly, tolerant and compassionate you are. Neuroticism , which refers to emotional instability and the level of negative emotions a person has. People with high levels of neuroticism tend to be moody and tense. :
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W.A. Kelly (1941) listed the nature of Educational Psychology as follows:i. To give a knowledge of the nature of the childii. To give understanding of the nature, aims and purposes of educationiii. To give understanding of the scientific methods and procedures which have been used in arriving at the facts and principles of educational psychologyiv. To present the principles and techniques of learning and teachingv. To give training in methods of measuring abilities and achievement in school subjectsvi. To give a knowledge of the growth and development of childrenvii. To assist in the better adjustment of children and to help them to prevent maladjustmentviii. To study the educational significance and control of emotions andix. To give an understanding of the principles and techniques of correct training.
Thus, educational psychology is an applied, positive, social, specific and practical science. While general science deals with behaviour of the individuals in various spheres, educational psychology studies the behaviour of the individual in educational sphere only.
We can conclude by saying that Educational Psychology is narrower in scope than general psychology. While general psychology deals with the behaviour of the individual in a general way, educational psychology in concerned with the behaviour of the learner in an educational setting.
The methods of educational psychology must be added to it like introspection method and and others. some more explanation of the scope of psychology with examples of daily life must be added . Thankyou
In the 20th century, the debate among educational theorists centered on behaviorist theory versus cognitive psychology. Or, in other words, do people learn by responding to external stimuli or by using their brains to construct knowledge from external data?
So, how do learning theories apply in the real world? Education is an evolving field with a complicated future. And, according to Roggeman, the effects of applied educational theory can be long-lasting.
Different perspectives on human behavior can be useful when looking at topics within the field of educational psychology. Some of these include the behavioral perspective, the constructivist approach, and the experiential perspective.
Educational psychology has been influenced by a number of philosophers, psychologists, and educators. Some thinkers who had a significant influence include William James, Alfred Binet, John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Benjamin Bloom. 2ff7e9595c